Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Pole Vault

 Pole Vault
Pole vault is a sport for men and women. You use a stick that looks like a pole. You need to wear shorts, a T-shirt and sensible running shoes. You also have to be strong.  Pole vault is a Commonwealth and Olympic sport.
Athletes use a short run up to leap over a bar without knocking it down. New Zealand  athlete Brent Newdick has competed in the pole vault section of the decathlon at the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi. Until the 1952 Olympics, a bamboo pole was used for the pole vault. They are now made of  fibre or fibreglass.
Pole vault is a very well-known sport and hopefully it will grow more popular.Butterworth pole vault.jpg
by Bailey Room 14
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  1. Wow Bailey we love your speech - pole vault is my favourite sport too!

  2. Well done! We have learnt alot from your speech Bailey as there is great information there. How many medals did Brent Newdick win at Delhi, and does he still compete?

  3. aysia and nathaniel7 September 2014 at 19:50

    grate job what lots of words and information in it. how many medals did the boy win?
